Another day in paradise

February 21

Speaking about social issues, here you are one song that speaks about one of our own main social problems we have in this city.  

And in this page you can play with the lyrics:

What do you think of this social problem?
How could we help to solve this situation?


  1. 1. I think that it is a very sad situation but it is very hard to change it because inequality is inevitable... the rich people will always have more and the poor people less.
    2.The state should pay more attention to these people, improve their health services, education and perhaps whit time the situation get better. Also, the rich people should donate more food, medicine, shelter and schools.

  2. The song of Phill Collins, we are exhibited by one of the biggest social problems of the world: The luck of the inhabitants of the street the Beggars), which they must support on the part of the general indifference of the persons, in addition to describing in an accurate way every day of these persons, they making to reflect on the real face of this "paradise".

    Fodder that one of the ways to solve this problem is trying not to be indifferent to the pain and to the tragedy of other persons, it is possible that in many cases, the extreme poverty is not wished by the involved person and that, only for need he has had to adapt himself to a life in the street

  3. I think that is something that is sad, many of them are on the street at social problems and social inequality, and others because they want to.

    To solve these social problems really we need to be a loving society; we can see that we are all equal, we must be people who fight for what is ours, and not allow a few to rule us. I really think they are social movements which may improve the conditions of people.
    "only man is capable of repairing the damage it has caused"

    and I recommend:

    1. Esteban Giraldo C.

      "You may say I'm a dreamer,
      but I'm not the only one"

    2. You're not alone! I'm another dreamer ;)

    3. maybe one day, we'll not be the only ones.

  4. 1. t's a complicate situation because the poor people always was a poor people, and the rish people always was a risa people. The rish people don't have a set of mind to help the people. They are think in yours requeriments.

    2. The politics should page attention at this people, and help with your basics requeriments, for a dignified fine life.


  5. Luz Andrea Ruiz Restrepo
    What do you think of this social problem?
    R/ I think that if the money is there, always the poor people will suffer and to rich people don’t care this situation. It is very sad because we all have dreams and there are many situations that hinder our dreams, this start with the violence.
    How could we help to solve this situation?
    R/ I can help the poor people with small things, I can share my meals and I can give things that I don’t use and many people need. It is very difficult achieve that people understand the equality but the life teach with many situations to share with other people.

  6. Juliet Alexandra Contreras Carreño
    1. I think that this social problem is very sad and difficult of control. The situation is complicated because some people don't do any effort looking a job to get ahead or for many other people just there isn't opportunities thank's to the government at this country.
    2. As I mentioned before, the government is very important in this point, I think that it could help them with free education, improved health services, jobs, low prices of market and many other things that could be help to this social problem.

  7. juan sebastian gomez herrera

    1. I think it's a very sad situation, but it can hardly be changed, since the thought that most people have is that they can never stop being what they are.
    2. could help by giving them things that I do not use as often, gathering support among all people and find a possible solution.

  8. Alejandro Tabares Perez

    1-I think it's a situation very sad because it's a problem happened before and in this moment happens yet, all the people must aware to become the better country; we can help the other people with verbal words or actions

    2-every people have the solution, the problem is we don't practice it, we have score to help and to offer the hand, we must be better because if we don't help them, they don't help us in the future

  9. 1)i think this is a very sadly problem, because the poor people cannot take a rest, they have a sad life, they cannot enjoy the life and the rich people dont do anything for them.

    2)i think that if the state give education and job for everybody, many beggars will can live a better life.

  10. 1)I think that this social problem is very sad because
    more times the people don't have the possiblity to
    help at the people in this situation, the beggars are
    ignore, and this people suffer much.

    2)the government should do something by this people
    that live in the street and don't only the goberment
    also the families of the beggars because they should
    have family.


  11. Santiago Bedoya Betancur

    The song another day in paradise, is about:

    A woman seeks help from a man crossing the street, because she's cold and she does not know where to sleep. The man ignores the woman but then he feels bad. He notes that she has been crying and has blisters, she can not walk but she tries. He probably thinks that she has been cast in different places. In conclusion is another day for him but not just be another day for her.

    1. It is an everyday situation. I do not share this sadness, it is difficult to see these people in the streets but nobody does anything about them.

    2. This can be solved by making a home for all these people and they perform some work for the welfare of the community.

  12. camila mantilla rojas
    1 i think this is the saddest problem that exists in our country becaouse the poor people always suffer more than rich people(including government)and the rich people and the governmen never help to progress poor people
    2 the governmente must pay more attention to the poor people,they must better organize he countrys money (improve their health services, education and perhaps whit time the situation get better)

  13. is a problem that has always existed, and there are many causes, poverty, violence and drugs to make you live in our area this way to help these people is offering them a place where they do not lack food or basic services, provide new opportunities incorporating them back into society, the most important thing is not to be indifferent to these people and try to give them a hand by little that is some help can be invaluable when actually needed.

  14. We could help offer them things that we are in our hand, for example, offer food and clothing for the person poor.

    This social problem we are living in our community, because we are disregard the problems and we aren't given offer a hand for that they can progress

  15. Jennifer Durango Monsalve:

    1. I think that the world is very unbalanced, there are social, economic, gender inequity, so one, and also there is indifference, and while the indifference is reigning, there will be no changes.

    2. one person is not enough, however one by one we can do the difference; for example we can to donate little things that for they its could be great things.

  16. Mauricio Piedrahita says:

    is porverty the problem ? is indiference the problem? is money the problem?

    obout porvety and homeless people... some of us think that people want to live in setreets because of drugs. But could be, that some, or most of the people out there lost every thing they had because of displacement (wich is orchestrated form central govenment in favor to great economic empires) ... one of the postulates of neo liberalism (market liberalism) is that people should pass from living in countries cultivating things they need to survive, to cities working for big empires and buying every thing they need.

    this is the reason for displacement... most of the displaced natives end in streets cuz they weren't trained to be modern slaves like most of cities population, cuz they don't know the language that every one is suposed to know - spanish, and not far english-.

    to slove this problem i thik we should ask for a pay diferet to money for what we know, and no to obey.

    1. to slove this problem i think we should ask for a pay diferent to money for what we know and we make, and no to obey.

  17. What do you think of this social problem?
    I think that in the world exists a lot of social problem but we rechase to a person for a social condition or stratum, because we do not know the problem or difficults that there are in the street.

    How could we help to solve this situation?
    We can help to the people that need eat or have a roof, for generate a solution of unemployment.

  18. I think the real social problem that the singer shows us, is how people ignore the others; and this is a social problem, because many people, even me, ignore the poor, children, dogs, people in the streets ...

    - You can easily solve this problem: helping others!

  19. 1. Actually people seems like robots, they grew up without social values; there are many persons like this, the only things that they wants are their future. If you feel and believe that you can help another person do it, don´t think about they say about you.
    2. The only way that we could be solved this problem is thinking in community, if we can forget all problem that we had in past and try to come together as a society, we can look back to help the other person.

  20. I think it's a difficult topic, the life of the homeless is not easy, but many are in that situation for drug problems and all sorts ofother vices, but we should not generalize, in our country, many of these are displaced. I think that for the latter the government should give more support, food, health and education.

    I think the most effective way to solve these problems is that the government provides free health and education for the poor as well, with these guarantees people will be easier to get ahead and not have to be on the street.


  21. Josue David Suarez

    I think this problem is consequence of the economic system, because the system creates inequality and less opportunities for poor people.

    The governments should to redistribute wealth better and we should to be less indifferente about to this situation.

  22. in Colombia the biggest problem is corruption and social inequality, so there are people in extreme poverty and hunger they feel they are forced to commit offenses, rage of those who have money and are selfish, Medellin is a city known for their indigent is why the government should implement solutions to help these people

  23. Andres Felipe Ramirez Martinez

    1. What do you think of this social problem?
    I think that there is a big problem because with the money comes the inequality and there are few people with a lot of money and the others are poor and have no opportunities to improve their quality of life. the rich people dont care about the poor people

    2. How could we help to solve this situation?
    I try to help the other people with food and clothes, i think we need to force the government to distribute the health, services and benefits to all the people
