Regular verbs pronunciation

February 28, 2013

Although the topic of regular verbs is easy to understand because you just add -ED or -D to the final part of the verb, such aswork-worked or love-loved, their pronunciation might create some difficulty. In the following link you will find helpful information about this topic. LIsten carefully to Rachel and practice your pronunciation of regular verbs in past

In order to improve our pronunciation of regular verbs in past, go to the following pages and listen to the explanation of how to differenciate these sounds:

Tasks to do in the lab:

1. Go to the following link and listen to the pronunciation of the regular verbs and organize them in the 3 different columns according to the pronunciation

2. Go to:

  Click on pattern page, read the explanation about voiced and voiceless and click on the word you want to listen to
3. Go to the practice link and do the exercises
4. Finally, do the quiz
Write down in comments what you learned of this lesson and your score in the quiz


  1. I think what in this lesson I remember the bases of a good regular verbs pronunciation, and this is more clear for me now, I really liked the activities :)

    my score was 98%

  2. Alejandro Tabares Perez

    before i had learned if the word ends in someone letter i do the sound but today i learned the sound is more important than letter, i think we to practice so much to understand better and we don´t put the hand in the neck. i like it

    the quiz´s score was 98% good

  3. I learned to differentiate the pronunciation of the regular verbs, to understand the logic of the pronunciation, also to divide the type of sounds, as unvoiced and voice consonants. My score in the quiz is 98%.

    1. In the text Pronunciation of the-ed ending - 1 I obtained 92 %.
      In the text Pronunciation of the-ed ending - 2 I obtained 100 %

  4. Josue David Suarez Guzman

    I learned specially to difference the pronunciation between the verbs with id sound and verbs with d sound.
    My score was 94%

  5. Score:98%

    I liked to review this lesson, because sometimes, you are listening someting but you don't pay attention how the pronunciation really is. And, I also realise that the pronunciation of the verb to love is, actually, very similar to the verb to laugh; and it's important when you have to pronounce those verbs on past.

  6. Luz Andrea Ruiz
    I learned the diferent pronunciation of many regular verbs in past, and I learned that the pronunciation of the verb studied is with /d/ and not with /id/. My score in the quiz was 98%.

  7. Santiago Bedoya Betancur

    I learned how to pronounce regular verbs in past. This is difficult because sometimes the sounds are very similar. But with each pronunciation rules, such as: when the verb ends in ch, sh, gh, s, etc to pronounce ending in "t". When the verb ends in n, m, vowel sounds etc, the pronunciation ends in "d" and finally when the verb ends in t or d, the pronunciation ends in "id". This is very important when we talk to other people because we may be talking in present and past at the same time if we do not pronounce correctly.

    My score was 100%.

    Very interesting work.

  8. I Learned how to pronunciate regular verbs in past...
    and how to test a word in order to pronounce to pronounce it well.
    myu test score was 97%

    1. and my name is edwin piedrahita

  9. Martha Natalia Echeverry A.
    I learned a found the difference between of kinds to sounds from to pronunciation the many verbs in regular past.
    My score in the quiz was: 92%

  10. camila mantilla rojas
    i learned in this class to the pronunciation of the pass tense, i liked this activity becouse it showeda clear way to recognize the pronunciation of the past tens

  11. a learned about the difference of pronunciation ed- ending and the 3 difference cases that there are
    my score in the quiz was: 100%

  12. I remembered with this lesson the rules that I can use when I am speaking in past. I did many exercises and I already know all the rules with the regular verbs pronunciation

    Quiz: 98%!

  13. Daniel jaramillo duque

    i learnd the pronunciation of regular verbs in past and how to distinguish, my score was 98%

  14. My score was 100%!

    I learned of this lesson the correct pronunciation of regular verbs in past. Before I pronounced the regular verbs in past with /Id/.

  15. Santiago García Rendón:
    I learned which the voiced and unvoiced sounds were also I learned the pronunciation of the regular verbs in past according to the end of the verb if the verb ended in unvoiced sound the -ed sounds like /t/, if the verb ended in voiced sound the -ed sounds like /d/, and if the verb ended in t or d the -ed sounds like /Id/, I learned many things today!
    PD: My score in the quiz was 98%

  16. Juliet Alexandra Contreras Carreño
    I learned with this lesson that the pronunciation of the regular verbs in the past is some difficult because we have to listen to the end of verb very good for know what rule use in each case.

  17. Daniela Ramírez Meneses

    I learned with this lesson the rules for a correct pronunciation of irregular verbs in past; I understood than difference in each case depend of the final sound of the verb in infinitive form.

    Score: 92%

  18. Jennifer Durango Monsalve:

    Quiz score 98%:

    In this lesson i understood how to say some words or past verbs, i also learned listening and something about past verbs..

  19. Brenda Zapata R

    Quiz score is 86%

    In this lesson i learned more about the pronunciation of some verbs, but I have to study more because I have problems identifying diferents pronuncietion verbs.

  20. I realized that I had many shortcomings to pronounce correctly, I also learned tricks that allow me to identify the words and pronounce them fit your classification.
    my punctuation was 94%

  21. The theory is very easy, but when you are in a conversation is very difficult to pronounce in the correct way, because you don´t have time to think :D. But, i think that the better way to understand and apply in the correct way all this theory is practicing in a real conversation.

    My score was 98%.


    I liked the activities so much and I learned the pronunciation of regular verbs and their differents sounds in past.

    My score was 74%.

  23. This activity was very interesting because the pronunciation of the regular verbs in past are very similar when it is listen d, t or id.

    My score was 76%

  24. The only way to learn the pronunciation of this verb is practice in activities like this or talking with person that has good pronunciation, I remembered some verbs that I had forget it.

    Score in the quiz: 92%

  25. Sebastian Torres Yepes
    The lesson was very good, i didn't know how to pronounce the regular verbs, and i learn this easily.
    My score in the first test was 92%
    My score in the second test was 95%

  26. interesting way practiced my punctuation 98%
