Mock trial

April 9

Task based on Frankenstein novel

You are going to stage a mock trial where the acussed is going to be Victor Frankenstein for the charges of negligence, malpractice, and emotional and physical distress. The trial, like the novel, can have science-fiction or fantasy elements. The case will be heard in civil court, where a suit is brought by one individual (plaintiff) against another (defendant), whereas in criminal court, the case is between the state (prosecution) and the defendant.

You will be divided into 2 groups, Defendants (FOR) and Prosecution attorneys  (AGAINST) each group must develop the arguments according to your position
Roles in the court 
Defendants (FOR):
Prosecution attorneys  (AGAINST): 
Accused: Victor Frankenstein

Accused: a person or persons charged in a court of law with a crime, offense, etc. 
Prosecuting attorney: a government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state 
Defense counsel: a lawyer who is in charge of defending an accused in the court
Witness: a close observer; someone who looks at something
Bailiff: He/she is the person who keeps order in the court
Guilty: responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; or marked by guilt; "guilty of murder"
Negligence: failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances. Carelessness.
Malpractice: a wrongful act that the actor had no right to do; improper professional conduct; "he charged them with electoral malpractices"
Distress: psychological suffering
Verdict: the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial.

Vocabulary for debates and Discussion

When you want to state an opinion:
  • In my opinion____
  • I think that_____
  • I feel that______
  • I believe that______
  • It seems to me that________
  • If you ask me_____
  • I'd say that_______
  • The point is________
  • As I see it_______
  • I'd say that______
  • The point is______
When you want someone to repeat or explain:
  • I don't understand what you mean
  • Would you explain that, please?
  • I'm sorry, but I didn't understand your point.
  • Could you give an example?
  • What do you mean by_____?
When you want to agree with someone:
  • You're right
  • I think so, too
  • I agree with you
  • You could be right
  • I couldn't agree more
  • That's a good point
  • I couldn't agree more
  • I see what you mean
  • That's just what I was thinking
  • I agree entirely
  • You know, that's exactly what I think
When you want to disagree with someone (in ascending order of formality):
  • Yes, but_____
  • I disagree
  • That's not the point
  • No, I think you're wrong
  • Up to a point, but________
  • Yes, that's quite true, but_____
  • I'm not sure I quite agree
  • Well, you have a point there, but_____
  • Perhaps, but don't you think that_____
  • I see what you mean, but________
These can be some arguments you can use in the trial:
1. Some scholars have used Frankenstein as a central piece in their argument against the development of cloning technology. Others argue that the problem was not with Victor Frankenstein's scientific methods but with his responses to his creation—that we should develop cloning technology, but use it wisely. Debate whether the novel is either “for” or “against” cloning. Support your argument with passages from the book.
2. One of the tragedies of Frankenstein is the refusal of other characters in the novel to recognize the monster as a full human being. Brainstorm a list of the qualities that make us human. Which of these qualities does the monster have? Which does he not have?
3. Discuss the role that nature plays in Shelley's novel. Include examples that support your answer.
4. Analyze Mary Shelley's use of setting throughout the novel. Why, for example, does she use the Arctic as the setting for Victor Frankenstein's final confrontation with his creation?

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